Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Air and Speed Blog

Hey Guys!

We're very excited because we have a lot of new things coming up this spring/summer. 

First off we have an amazing sale going on at the store right now! 25 - 50 % off of selected items, but a lot of selections. We have wetsuits, sunglasses, women's clothing and swimwear along with men's clothing and boardshorts as well. 

Secondly, we have a whole new brand of exclusive Air and Speed clothing being prepared to come out sometime early this May.

And lastly, we have a whole new Air and Speed website (as you can see) along with a soon to be Air and Speed clothing online store! 
We're all very excited as we start getting geared up for spring and summer time, we've already had some sunny days which is a big tease. I know Jay can't wait for surf camp '10.

Goodbye winter!